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Publication Process
Read the article requirements (below).
Submit the article and materials (illustrations and appendices) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , the email subject is “To publish”. Name the files with the author surname and the first words of the article title (ex., Shcherbakov. Diary Notes; Shcherbakov. Pic.1).
Submission for the 1st issue is up to April, 15; and for the 2nd issue is up to September, 15.
Reviewing is up to 30 days.
The editor sends the reviewer’s recommendations and comments to the author’s email. If necessary, the author should correct the manuscript or clarify why he/she refuses to do it.
The author resends the corrected manuscript to the editor.
After the manuscript is recommended to be published, the author fills in and signs: the Agreement, the Consent to the treatment of your personal data and the acceptance and transfer Certificate (Appendix 1 and 2 to the Agreement). Then the author sends the electronic version of the Agreement (with signatures) in JPG or PDF format to the editor by email before the issue is published. ГИПЕРССЫЛКА НА ДОГОВОР «Download the Agreement».
On the final stage the editor sends the Preprint to the author to agree upon the final version. The author checks the Contents, text and illustrations, including the title, the name of the authors, acknowledgements (reference to the grant). The Preprint answer is awaited for 5 days. Then the journal issue is transferred to be published.
If necessary, the authors can get a certificate that the manuscript is accepted for publishing.
The journal accepts manuscripts in the Russian and English languages. An overall size of the articles, all points considered, is 20,000-60,000 characters with spaces.
Obligatory points of the article are the following
(the Russian part)
Title of the article (in Russian);
Acknowledgements (reference to the grant) (in Russian);
Authors (surname, first name, patronymic) (in Russian);
Affiliation: work place, country, email (in Russian);
Abstract, 500-600 characters (in Russian);
Keywords, 5-10 words (in Russian);
Text of the article (in Russian or in English);
Information about Authors: work place, position, scientific degree, academic title (in Russian);
References (in original).
(the English part)
Title of the article (in English);
Acknowledgements (reference to the grant) (in English);
Authors (surname, first name, patronymic) (in English);
Affiliation: work place, country, email (in English);
Abstract, 500-600 characters (in English);
Keywords (in English);
Text of the article (in Russian or in English);
Information about Authors: work place, position, scientific degree, academic title (in Russian);
References in Latin transliteration (NB! You should translate the title of the source into English, using square brackets). We recommend to transliterate your References for free on the Website http://translit.net/;
The text should be formatted as follows: 12-point, Times New Roman (or Symbol for formulae), single line spacing, indented 20 mm from every page margin, paragraphs should be indented by 12,5 mm and justified. You can find the sample in the last journal issue on the website or get by email.
Requirements for Abstracts
The function of Abstract is practical; it is a guide to the content of an article. When you are writing your Abstract, you should take into account that Russian and English versions can be decisive for readers whether to read the article or not!
Abstract in English should be of scientific nature and contain the following points: research objective; sources; summary or main idea; conclusions, results and application area of the results.
We do not recommend to repeat the title in your Abstract, to begin with the word “In the article…” («В статье…», «В данной статье…»), to use descriptive generalizations. It is prohibited to repeat excerpts from the article and abbreviations.
The English version should not be a loan-translation.
Illustration requirements: We accept illustrations in two graphic formats (*.jpg, *.tif ), resolution should be not less than 300 dpi, illustrations should be provided as separate files. The caption signature to tables, photos and illustrations is mandatory.
Illustration requirements
We accept illustrations in black-and-white and colour variants in jpg graphic format, resolution should be not less than 300 dpi, illustrations should be provided as separate files.
The caption signature to tables, photos and illustrations is mandatory.
Formatting of a Bibliographical Reference in the Text
References are formatted according to ГОСТ 7.0.5-2008 « Bibliographical Reference. Common Requirements And Regulations» (Reedition. June, 2020).
In the text you should use automatic footnotes while referencing to a resource, with continuous numbering and Arabic numerals. In the footnote you should specify the place where the document may be found or the information about the document publication.
For example: РГАЭ, Ф. 8082, Оп. 1, Д. 226, Л.8; или
60 лет Ленинскому плану ГОЭЛРО. /Сост. Г.П. Смидович/ М., 1980. С.5.
References in the text are square bracketed and contain the surname of the cited author of the work, the year of edition and the page number.
For example: [Побережников: 2006, С.18]
If a bibliographical reference lacks an author(s) (collective monograph, collection, document, etc.), you should specify the short title of the work with an elision mark, then a comma and the year of edition. If a reference is in a foreign language, then a surname or a title is specified in this language. If there are several authors (editors), you should put only the first surname. If you give a reference to several resources in the text, then follow the requirements above and separate the resources with a semicolon.
For example: «…интерпретации действий центральных властей и своего отношения к ним представлено работами А. Ирвина и Б. Вынна [Irwin, 2001; Irwin, Wynne, 1996]».
Recommendations for References
(ГОСТ Р 7.0.5–2008)
References are made in the form of a bibliographic list in the alphabetic order after the text of the manuscript (at first Russian resources). If References contain works by one and the same author, edited in the same year, you should put Latin letter identification after the year of edition. Bibliographical entry is made as follows.
Милов Л. В. Велико-русский пахарь и особенности российского исторического процесса. М.: РОССПЭН, 1998. 573 с.
Milov, L. V. (1998) Veliko-russkij pahar' i osobennosti rossijskogo istoricheskogo processa [The Ploughman of Gr eat Russia and the Peculiarities of the Russian Historical Process]. Мoscow: ROSSPEN. 573 p. (in Russ)
Articles in journals:
Кабытов П. С., Баринова Е. П. Дворянство Поволжья второй половины XIX –начала ХХ в.: историография проблемы // Вестник Самарского государственного университета. Гуманитарная серия. 2012. № 8/2 (99). С. 47–52.
Kaby′tov, P. S. and Barinova, E. P. (2012). Dvoryanstvo Povolzh′ya vtoroj poloviny XIX – nachala XX v.: istoriografiya problemy′ [The Nobility of the Volga River Basin of the 2nd Half of the 19th – Early 20th Century: A Historiography of the Issue], in: Vestnik Samarskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Gumanitarnaya seriya, 8/2, 99, pp. 47–52. (in Russ)
Articles in collections:
Барретт Т. М. Линии неопределенности: северокавказский «фронтир» России // Американская русистика: Вехи историографии последних лет. Императорский период: антология / сост. М. Дэвид-Фокс. Самара: Самарский университет, 2000. 332 с. С. 163–194.
Barrett, T. M. Linii neopredelennosti: severokavkazskij «frontir» Rossii [The Lines of Uncertainty: The North Caucasian Frontier of Russia]. In David-Fox, M. (Comp.). (2000). Amerikanskaya rusistika: Vehi istoriografii poslednih let. Imperatorskij period: Antologiya. Samara, Samarskij universitet, pp. 163–194. (in Russ)
Monographs и collections under editorship:
Поволжье – «внутренняя окраина» России: государство и общество в освоении новых территорий (конец XVI – начало ХХ в.) / под ред. Э. Л. Дубмана, П. С. Кабытова. Самара: Самар. отд-ние Литфонда, 2007. 328
Dubman, E′. L. and Kaby′tov, P. S. (Eds.). (2007). Povolzh′e – «vnutrennyaya okraina» Rossii: gosudarstvo i obshhestvo v osvoenii novyh territorij (konecz XVI – nachalo XX v.) [The Volga River Basin – Russia’s Inner Outskirts: The State and Society in the Development of New Territories (Late 16th – Early 20th Century)]. Samara: Samarskoye otdelenie Litfonda. 328 p. (in Russ)
References Formatting
Surnames of all authors are comma separated, the surname of the last author is added with and (before and comma is not needed);
Year of edition;
Transliteration of the title;
Translation of the work title into English is given in square brackets (as well as the title of an article, journal, and monograph);
If it is a work in a journal or a collection, you should put a comma after square brackets and add in;
Edition, city, pages (p. or pp.) are comma separated;
If the source is not in English, after the reference you should specify in brackets (in Russ.) or (in French), etc.
You should take into account that the order of References is exactly equal to the Russian list.
Electronic resources in References
While you are preparing electronic References, you should specify the author (if possible), the title (of an article, etc.), before the reference it is necessary to put ‘URL’. IP address and last access date are always specified. The last access date is the date when the document was opened by the author and it was available. It is bracketed.
For example: Заключение Общественной комиссии по расследованию причин и последствий природных пожаров в России в 2010 году. URL: http://www.yabloko.ru/mneniya_i_publikatsii/2010/09/14 (дата обращения: 15.12.2010).
English source in the Russian variant of References:
Hare, R. D., & Schalling, D. (Eds.). (1978). Psychopathic behaviour: Approaches to research. Chichester, NY: Wiley.
Porter, S., Woodworth, M., & Doucette, N. (2007). Memory for murder: The qualities and credibility of homicide narratives by perpetrators. In S. Christianson (Ed.), Offenders’ memories of violent crimes (pp. 115-134). New York: Wiley.
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Certificate of Media Registration Эл № ФС77-67301 of September, 30th 2016
ISSN 2542-0275
Office 109, 162-в Pobedy Avenue,
454084 Chelyabinsk,
the Russian Federation
Telephone: (351)799-70-18; (351)799-70-15
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Editor-in-Chief:
Natalia N. Alevras, Dr.Sc. (History), Professor at the Department of the History of Russia And Foreign Countries, Chelyabinsk State University
Information about the Founders of the Journal
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education „Chelyabinsk State University“
129 Bratiev Kashirinykh st.,
454001 Chelyabinsk,
the Russian Federation
Website: www.csu.ru www.histfil.ru
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Editorial Board:
Natalia N. Alevras, D. Sc. (History), Professor at Chelyabinsk State University (Chelyabinsk);
Natalia A. Berseneva, D. Sc. (History), Leading Researcher at South Ural Archaeological Center, Institute of History and Archeology of the Ural Branch of the RAS (Yekaterinburg);
Vladimir V. Grudzinsky, D. Sc. (History), Professor at Chelyabinsk State University (Chelyabinsk);
Saule А. Zhakisheva, D. Sc. (History), Associated Professor, Professor at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan);
Vladimir N. Zemtsov, D. Sc. (History), Professor, Head of the Chair of World History and Historical Studies Teaching Methodology, Ural State Pedagogical University (Yekaterinburg);
Vladimir A. Ivanov, D. Sc. (History), Professor at Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla, Chief Researcher at the Academic laboratory of patriotic education of the youth and the history of Kozakdom (Ufa);
Valentina P. Korzun, D. Sc. (History), Professor, Leading Researcher at the Research department, Omsk State Pedagogical University (Omsk);
German P. Myagkov, D. Sc. (History), Professor, Professor at Kazan Innovative University named after V. G. Timiryasov (IEML) (Kazan);
Igor V. Narskiy, D. Sc. (History), Professor, Professor at Perm State National Research University (Perm);
Leonid V. Nikitin, D. Sc. (History), Associate Professor, Professor at South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University (Chelyabinsk);
Andrey A. Pass, D. Sc. (History), Professor at Chelyabinsk State University (Chelyabinsk);
Igor V. Poberezhnikov, D. Sc. (History), Associate Member of the RAS, Director of Institute of History and Archaeology, Ural Вranch of the RAS, Russia (Yekaterinburg);
Lorina P. Repina, D. Sc. (History), Professor, Associate Member of the RAS, Chief Researcher at the Institute of World History of the RAS (Moscow);
Vitaliy V. Tikhonov, D. Sc. (History), Leading Researcher in the Institute of Russian History of the RAS, Leading Researcher at the Archive of the RAS (Moscow).
Tatiana A. Chumachenko, D. Sc. (History), Associate Professor, Head of the Research Center South Ural Scientific Center of RAE, South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University (Chelyabinsk)
Sergey A. Yatsenko, D. Sc. (History), Professor, Professor at Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow).
Editorial Policy
The mission of the journal is:
- to publish research results in historical studies and archeology;
- to establish and consolidate scientific communication of researchers from Russian regions and other countries.
The journal aims to cover the problems of Russian and world history, historiography and archeology. It particularly notes regional processes issues in the context of global history and pays special attention to historiography and source studies.
The journal provides a genre diversity of manuscripts, including articles, reports (for archeologist), reviews, materials of panel discussions, publication of source texts, problematic surveys, etc.
Open Access And Copyright
Submitting the manuscript, the authors confirm that the materials have not been published before and agree to the conditions of Creative Commons Attribution License which allows others to distribute the manuscript with obligatory linking to the authors and the original in the journal.
The copyright is preserved.
Publishing Ethics
The Editorial Board of “Magistra Vitae”: Electronic Journal of Historical Sciences and Archeology adheres to the norms generally accepted by the international academic community and represented in the recommendation of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and takes into account the experience of international journals and publishers. To guarantee the high quality of scientific publications and public acknowledgment of the author’s results the Editorial Board, author, reviewer, founder and editor are obliged to adhere the ethic standards, norms, regulations and prevent any violation of them. The abidance by rules facilitates the securing authors’ rights on intellectual properly, higher quality of publications and excludes any possibility of illegal exploitation of materials.
The editorial policy is based on the principal of scientific objectivity and impartiality. The materials are reviewed in terms of novelty and topicality, regardless of race, sex, nationality, citizenship, religious, ideological or political position of the authors.
The Editor excludes the violation of generally recognized principles of scientific ethics as plagiarism, submitting of published materials, illegal conversion of borrowed research results and falsification of facts. All submitted manuscripts are checked in the system “Antiplagiarism”.
The Editor takes responsibility to hold the acquired information safe before it is published and not to hand it over to third parties (except for reviewers).
The Editor is obliged to publish the research financial support if the author mentions it.
The Editor is obliged to agree any alterations in the text with the author.
The Editor is obliged to take measures to prevent publishing informative, grammar, stylistic and other mistakes.
The Editor is obliged not to delay the journal issue.
The publication is free of charge. Any financial or non-financial rewards to the Editorial Board by the author are prohibited.
The materials published in the journal may not reflect the point of view of the Founders, the Editorial Board and the Editorial Staff.
Ethical Principles of the Authors
Submitting manuscripts to “Magistra Vitae”: Electronic Journal of Historical Sciences and Archeology, the authors take primary responsibility for the novelty and reliability of the research.
The authors take responsibility for the content of their materials.
The authors are obliged to provide reliable research results. Knowingly false and fabricated claims are impossible.
The publication should name all the individuals who have contributed considerably to the research. It is not allowable to mention people who are not involved in the research as authors.
The manuscript should be the result of individual research. All borrowings and quotations from other sources must have references formated according to the rules of reference apparatus.
The authors should adhere to ethic norms criticizing other’s research.
The authors should submit manuscripts according to the journal regulations.
The authors should respect the work of the editor and reviewers and correct inaccuracy or clarify it.
If the authors find out mistakes or inaccuracy while the manuscript being reviewed or after it having been published, they are obliged immediately to inform the editor about it.
The author takes responsibility for the fact that the materials have not been published before and are submitted only to one journal.
There is no author's fee.
If the ethical principles are violated, the materials are refused to be published and it will be impossible to work with the author in the future.
Expert Qualification
The Editor Staff consists of qualified specialists: the reviewers are Russian and foreign researchers with a scientific degree and publications in the field of a pre-reviewed manuscript. The English papers are corrected by a professional translator.
Manuscripts Peer-Review Regulations
The reviewer cannot be a member of a long-term research team, which the authors of the manuscript belong to, as well as a co-author of other works.
The reviewer cannot be a research advisor (consultant) of one of the authors – candidates for a degree.
The reviewer is a specialist in the scientific area stated in the peer-reviewed paper.
The review has to evaluate the manuscript objectively and contain a full analysis of its scientific and methodical advantages and disadvantages.
It is prohibited to use the information about the article content for the benefit of a reviewer before its publication.
The peer-reviewed paper is a confidential document, it is not allowed to hand it over to third parties to make them acquainted with the article content and discuss it. In case of a conflict of interests the editorial staff should be informed about it.
All articles submitted to the journal are subject to two “blind” peer reviews. It means that the reviewer is not familiar with the name of an author and the author does not know the name of a reviewer. After the manuscript is submitted, it undergoes initial examination (the relevance of the scientific article to the journal profile, the presence of the meta data, formatting requirements, the quality of illustrations), then it gets anonymous (all references to the authorship are removed from the manuscript). After that the manuscript is reviewed by the members of the editorial staff and Editorial Board who are experts in the given field. If necessary, the Editorial Board may ask third-party experts, specialized in the given field, to review the manuscript. The reviewer evaluates the relevance of the article to the content and formal requirements of the journal, to the common scientific rules of publishing ethics. The manuscript can be accepted for publication without amendment; accepted on condition that it will be corrected; rejected. If the article is rejected, the author gets a substantiated refusal. The journal reserves the right not to show full reviews to the authors. The personality of the reviewer is confidential.
If the manuscript is accepted for publication with correction and additions, the author gets the list of necessary amendments. After the author revises his/her article, he/she may submit it once again. As a rule it will be evaluated by the same reviewers.
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Dear Colleagues,
We present to your attention a new periodical for historians and everybody who interested in history: “Magistra Vitae”: an electronic journal on historical sciences and archeology”. The journal was launched in 2016 as a result of the reorganization of the “Bulletin of Chelyabinsk State University. History series" founded in 1991. The publisher of the new edition is the Faculty of History and Philology of Chelyabinsk State University. The editorial board of the journal includes leading historians from major research centers in Russia, Poland, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The editorial board accepts for consideration manuscripts of research articles, reviews as well as historical sources prepared for publication across the whole range of disciplines in the historical sciences. The periodicial apply the OpenAccess model, which provides users with free and constant access to full-text magazine materials.
"Magistra Vitae: an electronic journal on historical sciences and archeology" is included in Russian and international citation systems.